19 I Was Twenty Euros Short
Brother Peter Francis is the nicest bear-man you will meet this side of the Misty Mountains and so we just let him talk for an hour and a half.
This is the very essence of Brother Peter Francis- no thought of himself, just the hilarious joy every teenager at camp would get out of his full-habit belly flop!
We dive into his background as the "Guy on the Couch" in my first apartment after college. Then Luke reminds me that also was the "Guy on the Couch" in my apartment for a while. This forces me to take stock of my life, especially the quality of my friends and their poor life choices.
The Servants of Christ Jesus! I should totally get some sort of "founding" credit. Half the Order is related to me or my parish in one way or another!
We reminisce about his Middle School youth ministry days and the ancient art of Lectio Divina. We also talk about how he was my Jedi Master in the Holy Spirit, teaching me to pray "in the Spirit" at 2:00 AM in my dirty kitchen.
My favorite part was how he discovered his call to leave everything behind and enter the Servants of Christ Jesus religious order. Luke's would probably be Br Peter's experience of homelessness in Barcelona as his poverty pilgrimage seemingly tanked.
Day Five, praying the rosary with thousands of pilgrims, he finds his close friends standing right in front of him. What a story!
You better be wearing cheap socks, because their about to be blown off your feet!
Thanks to BenSounds.com for the music theme.