Till Christ Be Formed in Every Heart


Better Neighbors. Bigger Faith.


It has been said that the Church of God does not have a mission, but the mission of God has a Church. Seen from this vantage point, which is that of the Popes for the last 70 years, the Church is not just a museum for saints but is a field hospital for humanity. The Church's identity is a missionary, an evangelist, and a servant to all.

From the first days of Christ’s public life to the moment of his resurrection he never ceased gathering to himself men and women to be his disciples. This Lent we will explore five images used in Scripture to explain the nature and mission of the Church and, thus of all those who belong to her.

Here is your Host Guide for all of the sessions in English and in Spanish.

You can find the free videos here as a playlist on YouTube. Please subscribe to the account first.


Jesus Christ does not want more believers. He wants followers. The invitation that he gives to each one of us is to "come, follow me." Before it was called "Christianity" it was known as "the Followers of the Way of the Lord Jesus." The emphasis was on doing, not on membership like it is today. 

In this 6-part series we explore the meaning of Christian discipleship today. Each video session is less than 18 minutes long and is designed to foster conversation within home-based small groups.

You can find the free videos here as a playlist on YouTube. Please subscribe to the account first.



Radical Newness helps your community group connect with one another while taking your faith to a deeper level. This study-and-discussion guide was written for Young Adult small groups. You'll benefit from doing the readings ahead of time before the group meets. I know, I know. You're so busy. That's why I broke down each session into manageable chunks for the discussion. If you spend 5 minutes a day for 5 days, you'll have it done. Pope John Paul II's writing have the unique ability to be both intellectually fulfilling and spiritually enriching, meaning reading time is prayer time.

As St John Paul II, says, "Communion represents both the source and the fruit of mission: communion gives rise to mission and mission is accomplished in communion."

Here is your Leader Guide for the Group. This contains all of the things you as the leader need to know to be prepared for great discussion in your groups. Since this is more like a book club, the individual session guides have the questions, which are meant to be answered beforehand.

The YouTube playlist is here for Radical Newness. Please subscribe to the channel first!