23 Beauty from Ashes
We all go through difficult times, but a miscarriage or the death of a young child is a uniquely horrific pain. Maria Walther shares with us about the pain and the joy, the loss and the hope that sustains us when a mommy miscarries. While many people shrink away when someone is suffering, Maria reaches out with love and care.
She discusses how Facebook has become for her Grand Central Station for prayer and intercession, receiving requests and calling on her friends to pray. I cannot think of another person who exercises the "spirituality of accompaniment" more than Maria.
Luke shares a little bit about how the loss of his father drew him to God and Gomer talks about where his boy Noah got his name, and how that name made something beautiful happen.
You will enjoy this episode. You will not cry. At all. I promise.
Music provided by www.BenSound.com.
"I want to give my mom her Noah."