35 My Problems Have Problems
Luke leads the discussion inspired by two things: the notion of ongoing conversion and things like focus and work, and how they interrelate. Gomer applies it to his life and then cries because he is so disorganized.
And the YouTube videos that literally make 50,000+ dollars a month! Stampy Longhead
Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
Deep Work: http://calnewport.com/books/deep-work/
Merlin Mann
- http://www.slideshare.net/merlinmann/inbox-zero-actionbased-email
- http://www.43folders.com/izero
- The inbox zero Tumblr http://inboxzero.tumblr.com/
- Back 2 Work
- Merlin Mann - “Technology for Smarter Ignoring”
- Merlin Mann - You want to cry and be inspired for reals, “Cranking”
From Merlin Mann's inboxzero.tumblr.com
Merlin Mann's Tumblr inboxzero.tumblr.com