44 Interview with Eye of the Tiber
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44 Eye of the Tiber Interview
Eye of the Tiber: "We are proud to have recently been nominated for Best Catholic News Satire, narrowly losing out to the National Catholic Reporter, proving thus that, more trusted Catholic news sources aside, Eye of the Tiber is your most trusted Catholic news source."
We interview the founder and main author of the great Catholic pressure valve known as Eye of the Tiber. He's hilarious, has the thickest skin, and doesn't even do this for his day job.
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There there is this: Umbert the Unborn
why God?
- Saved by the Bell, Zack Dates a Homeless Girl for a Show
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- Saved by the Bell, Zach Delivers Mr Belding’s baby in elevator during earthquake (Fan-vid with Tool song “Aenima” playing on top of episode!)
Catholic stuff you should know, a much better podcast: http://catholicstuffpodcast.com/
Music by Bensound.com.