Till Christ Be Formed in Every Heart



Posts tagged Liturgy
A Keynote Presentation, this time for the EDGE

We had a middle school night on the upcoming changes in the liturgy. What I wanted to do was build off of the idea of cultivating silence. So, borrowing from a night written for high school students, we did a "silent talk". I had one of my Teen Assistants, the wonderful Bianca, walk up to the stage, remove the microphone, set it on the floor, and as the room went dark the screen displayed the following 20+ slides.


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a stumbling block for the Revised Roman Missal

I was at a gathering of ministry leaders the other day and I found out why some people had such a huge resistance to the new Roman Missal English translation. The sad thing is, it is all based on a huge misunderstanding, which means there is an opportunity for solid catechesis.

First thing's first, the people who were angriest were the oldest. They represented the mid-60's and older crowd. Not a single young adult or middle-aged person was upset about this third revision. As I noticed this, I began asking some questions to them as to why they were angry.

That's when I discovered the huge misunderstanding.

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